- ARNAULT Ingrid : Research Engineer - Research Associate
- AUGER Jacques : Professor Emeritus
- BEAUGEARD Laureen : CNRS Engineer
- BELLOUFI Aïcha : CNRS Technician - HR management- HAL Referent
- BENNETT Alison
- BEZIER Annie : University Research Engineer - Molecular Biology Platform Manager
- BOYER Stéphane: Professor
- BRESSAC Christophe : University Lecturer - Microscopy Platform Manager
- BUSSY Mathieu: Phd Student
- CARTEREAU Aurélie: CNRS Administrative Assistant - Management- Communication Correspondent
- CASAS Jérôme : Professor - Ecology and Physics Platform Manager
- CHEBBI MOHAMED Amine: Research Engineer CDD
- CHEUTIN Marie Charlotte: Post-doctoral fellow
- CHEVRIER Claude : Professor Emeritus
- CLAVE Corentin: Phd Student
- CLEMENCON Paul: Phd Student
- CORNILLON Maxime : Engineer CDI
- DARROUZET Eric : University Lecturer
- DECONNINCK Gwenaëlle : PhD Student
- DEDEINE Franck : University Lecturer
- DEMAZIER Daphné: Phd Student
- DEPIERREFIXE Pauline: Engineer CDD
- DEVERS Séverine : University Engineer- Communication Correspondent - Website Referrer
- DEWEVER Simon: Phd Student
- DOGBO Noé: Phd Student
- DREZEN Jean-Michel : CNRS Research Director
- DUBREUIL Géraldine : University Lecturer
- DUPONT Simon : CNRS Research Engineer - Executive Assistant - Ecophysiology-Behavior-Environment Controlled Platform Manager
- EILERST Diane: PhD Student Trainee
- FORAY Vincent : University Lecturer
- FRESQUET Nadine : University Lecturer- Professional Equality and the Fight against Discrimination Referrer
- GIOVANNA DE LUCA Maria: PhD Student
- GIRON David : CNRS research Director - Director of IRBI
- GOUBAULT Marlène : Professor
- GUERRIERI Fernando : University Lecturer- Animal Welfare Referent
- GUIMARON Anne-Laure: Manager University
- HERNIOU Elisabeth : CNRS Researcher - Professional Ethics and Deontology Referent
- HEISSERER Camille : PhD Student
- HUGUET Elisabeth : Professor
- JOSSE Thibaut : University Lecturer
- LAZZARI Claudio : Professor - Deontology and Professional Ethics Referent - Histology Platform Manager
- LECUREUIL Charlotte : University Lecturer
- LE LAY Hugo: PhD Student
- LIBBRECHT Romain: Researcher
- LIEGEOIS Solène: Assistant Engineer CNRS
- LOPEZ-VAAMONDE Carlos: Associate Researcher
- LUCAS Christophe : Researcher - Internet Administrator - Analytical Chemistry Platform Manager
- MANAS Frédéric: PhD Student
- MENORET Cindy : UniversityTechnical Assistant
- MERCIER Amélie: CNRS Manager CDD
- MERCIER Jean-Luc : University Lecturer
- MEUNIER Joël : CNRS Research Fellow
- MOREAU Sébastien : University Lecturer
- MOYER Esteban: University Technician CDI
- MURAIL Cassandre: PhD Student
- MUSSET Karine : CNRS Technician - Prevention Assistant
- PASQUIER Laura: PhD Student
- PERDEREAU Elfie : Research Engineer CNRS
- PERIQUET Georges : Professor Emeritus
- PINCEBOURDE Sylvain : CNRS Research Fellow
- PINEIRUA MENENDEZ Miguel : University Lecturer - Head of Scientific Seminars
- PITEROIS Harmony : CNRS Assistant Engineer CDD
- ROUX Alice : PhD Student
- SARANATHAN Vinod Kumar: CNRS Junior Professorship in Biomimetics
- STEINMANN Thomas :CNRS Engineer - Event Referent - Continuing Education Correspondent
- SUPPO Christelle : Professor - Associate Director
- TADRENT Nachida: PhD Student
- TIRYAEVA Alexandra : PhD Student
- TOLMONT Marjorie : Assistant Engineer CNRS
- TORO DELGADO Eric: PhD Student
- VANNIER Fabrice : University Assistant Engineer - Prevention Assistant - Referent Animal Welfare and Import and Export of Animals with Scientific Title
- VILLALTA-ALONSO Irène : University lecturer
- WALLART Violette: CNRS Assistant Engineer CDD
- ZIMMERMANN Marie : University lecturer