There are two ways to join the IRBI as a PhD student: 
First, by responding to announcements of thesis openings available throughout the year and based on projects led by IRBI researchers (project-based funding). These announcements can be found below and on the IRBI twitter account (@IRBI_Tours).
Second, IRBI proposes each year up to 2 thesis projects funded by the SSBCV doctoral school "Health, Biological Sciences and Chemistry of Life" (Link). Announcements for these theses are usually published below  in March and April of each year.
Applications are made according to the modalities presented in each announcement (via the ADUM platform) and the procedure is generally as follows: after a first selection phase organised by the future thesis director, 3 candidates will be selected to take part in an oral examination before the doctoral school jury. The candidate ranked first at the end of this oral will be offered funding for the thesis.

What is the procedure?

Visit the page of the IRBI website with the thesis offers below.

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